23 May 2012

A good week so far!

Well, the weather has perked up and it's naturist weather at last!
Monday,21 may and I had a visit from 2 lovely ladies, Hollie Carlin and Hayley Craddock. Hollie is a photographer of no mean merit see Hollie Carlin's facebook page  which is brill! The object of their visit was to do a photo shoot of naturists for Hollie's BA in photography and I had lots of pictures taken of me around the house in my natural suit(!) which I didn't mind at all, anything that helps to promote the natural clothes-free way of living I'm keen on! At the end of the shoot they were happy to pose with a senior citizen in the buff, thanks and best wishes for your B.A.!
From right to left,Hayley,Me and Hollie!  

One of the pictures Hollie took unedited for her project,she got an "A" so I'm very pleased!


Now the weather was quite hot yesterday so I spent a couple of hours in the great outdoors walking in my shoes and nothing else, the 1st truly naturist walk of the year! So peaceful,didn't see a soul and truly nice!

Taking a break - that sun is nice!
Above - Walking 0n the edge of the woods, enjoying the warm may sun allover me!

Left - Found these cut down trunks(I'm not wearing any!),looking out over farmland to M25.


And on a woodland path climbing over a gate, birds singing,no other humans,bliss!

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