28 Sept 2014

The passage of time!

Well, it just goes to show doesn't it.... I just found an old 35mm colour slide of me taken @1980 when I was 33ish and showing that back then I loved being naked,being nudist/naturist,just wanting to shed my clothes.... thought I would combine it with a pic from 2010 when I was 63, oh how I wish I was so slim,still I'm happy without clothes!
I've never been shy about others seeing me as I really am, it makes no sense to me to hide myself behind and within covering that some nameless person has designed and made, hope you agree!

23 Sept 2014

Act Naturally-The full movie on youtube!

Filmed in 2011 and directed by JP Riley. 2 estranged sisters inherit their fathers nudist club and ........... watch the film!

21 Sept 2014

Why I like being naked.......

Posted by in Arguments for nudism, Beginning nudism


Something I can truly relate to! Coming in from work,taking off all my clothes and being truly myself!