Well, it's the end of May as I sit clothesfree at the computer, I have managed a few shoes-only walks since my last entry, the weather has been mixed with quite a stiff cool wind blowing when I've had some free time plus family commitments with a new grandson arriving!
So I've had to wear more than my usual amount of clothing (which is nil, zilch, nothing!) for most of the time!!
I have found some online nudist/naturist communities at ning.com and I am on the skinbook list of groups (http://skinbook.ning.com/) which has a lot of sub-groups like the naked hiking group, smoothies, cycling,artists and many more... and lots of pictures of happy naked people like me!
So, it looks like a settled week ahead, tuesday is my time off from caring duties, so I'll be out there in the lovely countryside wearing just my shoes and a smile... say hello if you see me!! 

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