have this magnificent organ of skin enveloping our entire bodies, every
square inch of it covered with delicate sensory nerves and
sophisticated temperature regulation pores, then wrap it up 24/7 in
artificial coverings so it’s all useless? Clothing can keep us warm in
extreme conditions. But in other cases, it actually interferes with the
body’s natural temperature regulation processes. It’s obvious that a hot
day would be much easier to tolerate nude than clothed. But those with
experience can also testify that the nude body is able to comfortably
withstand cool temperatures much easier than most people think, because
clothes aren’t interfering with the body’s attempt to regulate internal
temperature! So that's ONE reason I like to be nude,naked,clothesfree.... Try it for yourself!
Oh, I love being naked,I love being nude, I take all my clothes off,it's NOT at all rude, I love being naked, I love being bare, and I have no pubic hair!! Oh well, couldn't resist that, click on this pic for a larger version if you are brave!!
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