12 Mar 2012

The Naturist Belief

Naturist Belief
Naturists believe that nudity is an enjoyable, natural and moral state which brings benefits
to themselves and to society at large.
Decency and shame
· The human body in all its diversity is an object of intrinsic beauty of which the owner
should be proud.
· Simple nudity is not indecent, shameful, or immoral.
· Bringing up children to respect their own and others' bodies improves their well-being and
fosters more responsible sexual behaviour as they grow up.
· Children have a right to know what humans really look like.
Social division and respect
· Naturism engenders self-respect and respect for others regardless of shape, age, gender,
size, colour, or disability.
· People should be accepted for who they are and not for what they wear.
· Communal nudity discourages social barriers but clothing accentuates social differences.
· Clothing can provide needed protection but often it is unnecessary and it can be harmful.

· Naturism transcends fashion.
· In a tolerant society what to wear is a matter of personal choice.
· Governments should promote toleration and not impose unnecessary restrictions on
Environment, nature, and quality of life
· Naturism encourages respect for, and harmony with, the environment.
· Naturism can add to the quality of life through the enjoyment of simplicity.
· Naturism can reduce impact on the environment.

So..... Why wear clothes???
Be Free.Be Clothes-free!

Campaign For Natural Nude Health and Wellbeing

Herewith a link to a well-written article on the BENEFITS of nudity in home life... http://www.bn.org.uk/community/ccs_files/briefings/briefing_health_and_wellbeing.pdf
There is a strong link between body prudery and dysmorphic body image issues and it has been proved beyond doubt that no-one has ever been harmed by the sight of another person in their natural state. Indeed it is beneficial to have that naturalness with others!
So have a look, if you have any concerns, British Naturism would like to help!
British Naturism
Attached Image: logo_small.gif

British Naturism, or “BN”, is the UK’s internationally recognised organisation for naturism and exists to unite and support naturists, to protect naturist places and to help to provide more, make social nudity more acceptable across the UK and to provide comprehensive information on naturism around the world. BN has existed in its present form since 1964, when two naturist societies with their roots in the 1930s joined forces. It is largely a volunteer organisation with most of our people offering their time for free. We represent the UK at the International Naturist Federation (INF).

There is no offence of nudity in English law, and despite there being millions of naturists in the UK, society doesn’t always understand why people would go without clothes and so we have many challenges. We campaign and inform against discrimination, poor laws, Victorian attitudes and misunderstanding and work to make the life of a UK naturist a happier and easier one as well as encouraging many more people to discover the benefits of being without clothes.

Come and join us!
Attached Image: aboutnaturism3.jpg

Become a member of British Naturism and get great benefits such as:
  • A quarterly magazine;
  • access to the Members’ Forum;
  • events – some for members only, others with big discounts on entry;
  • and meeting like-minded people and belonging to a vibrant community.
You’ll also be playing your part in helping us to do our work - Join online now.

Alternatively, write to BN (Dept. WIN), 30-32 Wycliffe Road, Northampton, NN1 5JF, email headoffice@bn.org.uk, or call 01604 620361 and ask for an information pack.

Our bodies are natural,shamefree and need not be covered when there is no need to - we wrap ourselves in clothing far too much which can be unhealthy and lead to negative body issues!
Herewith a group of 5000 people outside the Opera House in Sydney Australia who have never met before but are happy being naturally naked!

March - a cool month!

Yes, a couple of really cold days but dry and settled,looks like we are going to face water restrictions shortly! We have had the driest year for a long time but I'm doing my bit with water saving devices in the loo and only doing washing when there is a full load. And I'm not going to water the garden except with waste water.
That apart, I continue to be a n
aturist at in mind,body and spirit, (indoors for the time being!).If there is a reason for wearing clothes when you are warm enough without I would like to hear it, there are plenty of reasons not to... http://econudes.org/page/205-arguments-and-observations-support-naturism
so I'm naturally clothesfree as I write this! Hope you agree with my thoughts,whatever your views,let me know!

What Naturism Has Taught Me

Naturism has taught me some important life lessons. I list them in no particular order:

1. Greater respect for women. I no longer see women’s bodies in a totally sexual way. I can empathize with the issues women face in regards to body image, topless freedom, objectification, and exploitation. I don’t understand Playboy magazine or strip clubs. Why do men pay to see nude women prance around??

2. Understanding sexuality. Nudity does not equal sex. Being nude is not an invitation for sexual activity. Nudity is just normal and part of the human experience.

3. Kinship with indigenous peoples around the world. Having technology doesn’t make you superior, in some ways technology diminishes us. There are 7 billion people in the world and the drain on resources is destroying the planet. But yet we in the First World look down upon indigenous people who live nude and in harmony with nature. Our titillation and fascination with nudity would seem strange to them. I’m not a Luddite or advocating living in a cave, but we have lost all balance with nature.

There are probably more lessons learned but those are the main ones.

(Source: naturistreview.wordpress.com)